10月1日,“鲨鱼坦克”凯文·奥利里(Kevin O'Leary)在俄亥俄州迈阿密大学发表自由演讲。 "Shark Tank's" Kevin O'Leary to deliver free speech at Miami University, Ohio, on October 1st.
凯文·奥利里,也称为"先生. Kevin O'Leary, aka "Mr. 来自“Shark Tank”的Wonderful“,将于10月1日在俄亥俄州迈阿密大学发表题为”The Cold Hard Truth“的免费公开演讲。 Wonderful" from "Shark Tank", will deliver a free public speech titled "The Cold Hard Truth" at Miami University, Ohio, on October 1st. 这次演讲是安德森杰出讲座系列的一部分,将涉及商业、金钱和生活主题,就寻找一个人的呼唤、建立强大的团队以及将逆境变为机会提出建议。 The speech, part of the Anderson Distinguished Lecture Series, will cover business, money, and life topics, offering advice on finding one's calling, building strong teams, and turning adversity into opportunity. 迈阿密大学曾与“Shark Tank”连结, 其中两位毕业生在2021年从Mark Cuban公司获得50万美元投资, 供创办公司“Mad Rabbit”使用。 Miami University has previously been connected to "Shark Tank" when two of its graduates won a $500,000 investment from Mark Cuban for their startup company "Mad Rabbit" in 2021.