Ngāi Tahu和Rio Tinto重申蒂瓦伊点冶炼厂伙伴关系,重点是去碳化和南地地区支持。 Ngāi Tahu and Rio Tinto reaffirm Tiwai Point Smelter partnership, focusing on decarbonization and Southland region support.
Ngāi Tahu和Rio Tinto重申他们在Christchurch的伙伴关系,重点是蒂瓦伊点铝冶炼厂的继续运作。 Ngāi Tahu and Rio Tinto reaffirmed their partnership in Christchurch, focusing on the continued operation of the Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter. 这有利于南地地区,支持新西兰的去碳化努力。 This benefits the Southland region and supports New Zealand's decarbonisation efforts. 在Te Tiriti o Waitangi的指导下,双方真诚地合作,优先考虑mana whenua的利益,并坚持伙伴关系、参与和保护的原则。 Guided by Te Tiriti o Waitangi, both parties work together in good faith, prioritizing mana whenua interests, and upholding principles of partnership, participation, and protection.