22岁的瓦尼·阿瓦斯蒂(Vani Awasti)在德里教练中心因生物识别门积水而触电身亡。 22-year-old Vani Awasti electrocuted at Delhi coaching center due to waterlogged biometric gate.
22岁的瓦尼·阿瓦斯蒂(Vani Awasti)在德里IAS教练中心触电身亡,原因是她触摸了被水淹没的生物识别门,导致她的左腿和手瘫痪。 22-year-old Vani Awasti was electrocuted at a Delhi IAS coaching center after touching a waterlogged biometric gate for attendance, leading to her left leg and hand paralysis. 事件发生后,德里培训中心的30个地下室被封闭,另有200个中心收到通知。 Following the incident, 30 basements of Delhi coaching centers were sealed, and 200 others received notices. 事故发生后,从教练中心搬出了生物测定机,图书馆暂时关闭。 Biometric machines were removed from the coaching center after the accident, and the library was temporarily closed.