假扮出租车司机的35岁的Nazim Asmal因4项强奸罪被判处17年监禁; 35-year-old Nazim Asmal, posing as a taxi driver, is sentenced to 17 years in prison for 4 counts of rape; declared a "dangerous offender," to sign sex offenders'
35岁的Nazim Asmal担任出租车司机,在晚上外出以弱势妇女为目标,他因4项强奸罪被判处17年徒刑。 35-year-old Nazim Asmal, who posed as a taxi driver to target vulnerable women on nights out, has been sentenced to 17 years in prison for four counts of rape. 阿斯马尔因闭路电视证据被捕,已被贴上“危险罪犯”的标签,并将在性犯罪者登记册上终身签名。 Asmal, arrested with CCTV evidence, has been branded a "dangerous offender" and will sign the sex offenders' register for life. 一名受害者分享了影响陈述,称她的生活支离破碎,永远改变。 One victim shared her impact statement, describing her life as shattered and changed forever. Asmal获释后,将因延长许可证而再面临五年。 Asmal will face an additional five years on an extended license after his release.