46岁的音乐家John Mayer在拉斯维加斯与死亡公司演出,尽管手指受伤。 46-year-old musician John Mayer performs with Dead & Company in Las Vegas despite injured finger.
46岁的音乐家约翰·梅耶尔(John Mayer)将与Dead&Company一起在拉斯维加斯的Dead Forever驻地演出,尽管他的左手食指在最近一次涉及卡车门的事件中受伤。 46-year-old musician John Mayer will perform with Dead & Company at their Dead Forever residency in Las Vegas despite having injured his left index finger in a recent incident involving a truck door. 梅耶一直用剩下的三根手指练习,他向球迷保证他的表演不会中断,并表达他对演出的献身精神。 Mayer, who has been practicing with his remaining three fingers, assures fans that his performances will not be disrupted and expresses his dedication to the shows. Dead & Company 的驻留将持续到 8 月 10 日。 Dead & Company's residency will run until August 10.