2岁的羊驼安妮被妈妈抛弃,与人类和狗一起享受着奢华的宠物生活。 2-year-old alpaca Annie, rejected by mother, enjoys a luxurious pet life with humans and dogs.
2岁的羊驼安妮被母亲抛弃,被主人丹尼·伯恩斯(Dannie Burns)用奶瓶喂养,作为家庭宠物过着奢侈的生活。 2-year-old alpaca Annie, rejected by her mother and bottle-fed by owner Dannie Burns, leads a luxurious life as a family pet. 安妮与三只拉布拉多犬交往,喜欢在室内漫游,甚至在街上与人类互动。 Annie socializes with the three Labradoods, enjoys roaming indoors, and even interacts with humans on the street. 尽管生活在 75 只羊驼中,但安妮更喜欢狗的陪伴和她与人类家庭分享的娇生惯养的生活方式。 Despite living among 75 alpacas, Annie prefers the company of dogs and the pampered lifestyle she shares with her human family.