一名Wayland建筑工人在石桥路被一辆卡车撞倒,然后被送往医院。 A Wayland construction worker was struck by a truck on Stonebridge Road and flown to a hospital.
威兰州一名建筑工人在星期五上午11点04分在斯通布里奇路被一辆卡车撞上. A Wayland construction worker was struck by a truck on Stonebridge Road on Friday at 11:04 a.m. 这名工人受雇于一家城镇承包公司,在现场被发现受伤,用医疗直升机飞往当地一家医院。 The worker, employed by a town-contracted company, was found suffering injuries at the scene and was flown to a local hospital by medical helicopter. 卡车司机也为同一家公司工作,他留在现场,正在配合正在进行的调查。 The truck driver, who also works for the same company, remained at the scene and is cooperating with the ongoing investigation.