弗吉尼亚州州长Youngkin宣布自2021年以来有1万家新创业公司成立,这是15年来最快的速度,遵循"竞争以获胜"战略. Virginia governor Youngkin announces 10,000 new startups since 2021, fastest in 15 years, following the "Compete to Win" strategy.
弗吉尼亚州长Glenn Youngkin宣布,自2021年上任以来,他的州已经实现了1万家新的创业公司,履行了他的竞选承诺。 Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin announced his state has achieved 10,000 new startup companies since he took office in 2021, fulfilling his campaign pledge. 这个里程碑在过去15年中比弗吉尼亚州前州长的执政速度都快, 归功于“与胜者竞争”战略, 重点是创新、创业、减税和有利的商业环境。 This milestone, which was reached faster than any previous Virginia governor's administration in the last 15 years, was attributed to the "Compete to Win" strategy, focusing on innovation, entrepreneurship, tax relief, and a favorable business environment. 截至2023年12月31日, 2022-2023年间在弗吉尼亚州建立了10 337个新的高增长和高工资新创业企业, As of December 31, 2023, 10,337 new high-growth and high-wage startups were established in Virginia during 2022-2023, with the state ranking #8 in the country for highest venture capital investment dollar activity in 2023.