委内瑞拉移民何塞·伊瓦拉(Jose Ibarra)被指控杀害佐治亚州护理学生莱肯·莱利(Laken Riley),他将于11月面临多项指控的审判。 Venezuelan immigrant Jose Ibarra, accused of killing Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, faces trial for multiple charges in November.
委内瑞拉移民何塞·伊瓦拉(Jose Ibarra)被指控杀害佐治亚州护理学生莱肯·莱利(Laken Riley),定于11月接受审判。 Venezuelan immigrant Jose Ibarra, accused of killing Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, is set to face trial in November. 莱利2月在佐治亚大学校园跑步时被谋杀 Riley was murdered during a run on the University of Georgia campus in February. Ibarra于2022年非法进入美国, 面临多项指控, 包括恶意谋杀、重罪谋杀、绑架及严重攻击。 Ibarra, who entered the US illegally in 2022, faces multiple charges, including malice murder, felony murder, kidnapping, and aggravated assault. 辩方已请求将审判转移到另一个州, 辩称由于媒体广泛报导, 很难找到公正的陪审团。 The defense has requested to move the trial to another county, arguing that it will be difficult to find an impartial jury due to extensive media coverage.