巴黎调查了针对奥运会开幕式主任托马斯·乔利(Thomas Jolly)的仇恨言论,此前他受到死亡威胁和诽谤。 Paris investigates hate speech against Thomas Jolly, Olympics opening ceremony director, following death threats and defamation.
巴黎检察官已着手调查针对奥运开幕式艺术总监Thomas Jolly的仇恨言论, Paris prosecutors have launched an investigation into hate speech against Thomas Jolly, the artistic director of the Olympics opening ceremony, following his complaint of death threats, public insults, and defamation online. Jolly寻求对那些对有针对性的仇恨言论负责的人采取法律行动。 Jolly seeks legal action against those responsible for the targeted hate speech. 法国当局正在审查潜在的刑事指控。 French authorities are examining potential criminal charges.