纽卡斯尔联队可容纳 3,000 人的圣詹姆斯公园 STACK 球迷区将于 8 月 8 日开放,设有主舞台、屏幕、纽卡斯尔主题酒吧单元和食品供应商。 Newcastle United's 3,000-capacity St James' Park STACK fan zone opens on August 8 with a main stage, screens, Newcastle-themed bar units, and food vendors.
Newcastle United's St James' Park STACK, 由56个改变用途的海运集装箱组成的3000个风扇区, 预定于8月8日开放。 Newcastle United's St James' Park STACK, a 3,000-capacity fan zone made from 56 repurposed shipping containers, is set to open on August 8. 这个娱乐中心位于Strawberry Place,将设有主舞台、大屏幕、纽卡斯尔联队主题的酒吧单元,以及原始的STACK供应商和当地美食的混合体。 The entertainment hub, located at Strawberry Place, will feature a main stage, large screens, Newcastle United-themed bar units, and a blend of original STACK vendors and local food favorites. 圣詹姆斯的 STACK 旨在提升比赛日的体验并迎合不同的口味。 St. James' STACK aims to enhance the matchday experience and cater to diverse tastes.