2名内布拉斯加州教改工作人员因非法行为、辞职、调查进行中而被捕。 2 Nebraska correctional staff arrested for unlawful acts, resign, investigation ongoing.
两名内布拉斯加州惩教事务部工作人员Amanda Stanard和Nicole Voycheske因据称内布拉斯加州国家巡逻队的非法行为被捕。 Two Nebraska Department of Correctional Services staff members, Amanda Stanard and Nicole Voycheske, were arrested for alleged unlawful acts by the Nebraska State Patrol. 记录官Stanard和下士Voycheske分别被捕并辞职。 Stanard, a records officer, and Voycheske, a corporal, were arrested separately and have since resigned from their positions. 他们指称的非法行为的具体细节有限,随着调查的继续,预计将进一步更新。 The specific details of their alleged unlawful acts are limited, and further updates are expected as the investigation continues.