孟买的 BMC 为 Ganesh Mandals 的 pandal 建筑提供为期五年的许可证,这些许可证具有环保做法、单窗口系统和 100 卢比的费用。 Mumbai's BMC offers five-year permits for Ganesh Mandals' pandal construction with eco-friendly practices, one-window system, and Rs 100 fee.
孟买的布里汉孟买市政公司 (BMC) 将向公共 Ganesh Mandals 颁发为期五年的熊猫建筑许可证,并遵守十年的规则。 Mumbai's Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) will grant five-year permits for pandal construction to public Ganesh Mandals with a decade of rule-adherence. 计划包括一个从2024年8月6日起申请的单一窗口系统,名义收费100卢比,以及每年续签许可证。 Plans include a one-window system for applications from August 6, 2024, a nominal Rs 100 fee, and annual permit renewals. 此外,还实施了环保措施,例如为偶像制作者提供免费粘土和免费的熊猫空间,以及西部铁路为甘帕蒂节提供的特别列车服务。 Eco-friendly practices, such as free clay for idol makers and free pandal spaces, are also being implemented, as well as a special train service for the Ganpati festival by Western Railway.