肯尼亚国防内秘书提名的索伊潘·图亚向国民议会任命委员会报告了增加的净资产. Kenya's Defence Cabinet Secretary nominee, Soipan Tuya, reports increased net worth to National Assembly Appointments Committee.
肯尼亚国防内阁部长提名人索伊潘·图亚向国民议会任命委员会报告,净值为2.43亿瑞郎,比她以前宣布的2022年净值1.56亿瑞郎有所增加。 Kenya's Defence Cabinet Secretary nominee, Soipan Tuya, reported a net worth of Sh243 million before the National Assembly Appointments Committee, an increase from her previously declared net worth of Sh156 million in 2022. 前环境内阁秘书Tuya将增长归因于资产升值、私营企业和内罗毕的新财产。 Tuya, a former Environment Cabinet Secretary, attributed the growth to asset appreciation, private business, and a new property in Nairobi. 如果获得批准,她将担任威廉·鲁托总统国防政策首席顾问。 If approved, she will serve as the principal advisor to President William Ruto on Defence Policies.