2023年:随着无线和VoIP服务激增,佛罗里达州陆地线路的使用率从17.7%下降到764 000。 2023: Florida landline usage drops 17.7% to 764,000, as wireless and VoIP services surge.
佛罗里达州陆地线路的使用量在2023年下降了17.7%,从上一年的937 000条下降为764 000条。 Florida's landline usage has dropped by 17.7% in 2023, with 764,000 landlines in service, down from 937,000 the previous year. 这一趋势的驱动因素是转向无线和通过因特网协议语音服务,该州有2 400万无线用户和450多万个VoIP连接。 The trend is driven by the shift to wireless and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services, with 24 million wireless subscriptions and over 4.5 million VoIP connections in the state. 尽管如此,商业陆上线路仍然超过住宅陆上线路,尽管两者的使用都明显下降。 Despite this, business landlines still exceed residential landlines, although both have seen significant declines in usage.