艾姆兰·哈什米赞扬了兰比尔·卡普尔的"动物"的独特视野和大胆的故事讲述. Emraan Hashmi praised Ranbir Kapoor's "Animal" for its unique vision and bold storytelling.
尽管受到批评,但艾姆兰·哈什米称赞兰比尔·卡普尔的电影"动物"的独特视野和大胆的叙事. Emraan Hashmi praised Ranbir Kapoor's film "Animal" for its unique vision and bold storytelling, despite facing criticism. 哈什米对电影导演桑迪普·雷迪·旺加表示赞赏, 称自己喜欢作为观众观看这部电影, 并赞扬卡普尔在动作惊片中的"令人称赞"的表现. Hashmi, who expressed admiration for the film's director Sandeep Reddy Vanga, said he enjoyed watching it as an audience member and praised Kapoor's "commendable" performance in the action thriller. 哈什米目前正在制作他的泰卢古首演 "他们称他为OG" Hashmi is currently working on his Telugu debut, "They Call Him OG."