由 Crown、ChargeNet 和 EECA 资助的 10 个充电器电动汽车中心在陶朗加开业。 10-charger EV hub funded by Crown, ChargeNet, and EECA opens in Tauranga.
新西兰最大的EV收费网络CecomNet在Tauranga开设了一个10个充电枢纽,装有150千瓦和300千瓦的充电器。 New Zealand's largest EV charging network, ChargeNet, has opened a 10-charger hub in Tauranga featuring 150kW and 300kW chargers. 该中心由 Crown、ChargeNet 和 EECA 资助,旨在满足对电动汽车充电日益增长的需求,地理位置优越,位于陶朗加十字路口,这是一个交通繁忙的购物和餐饮热门目的地。 The hub, funded by the Crown, ChargeNet, and EECA, is designed to meet growing demand for EV charging and is strategically located at Tauranga Crossing, a popular destination for shopping and dining with high vehicle traffic. 中心将满足区域内大多数EV旅行的需要,包括前往奥克兰和汉密尔顿。 The hub will cater to most EV journeys within the region, including trips to Auckland and Hamilton.