69岁的Cynthia Lovell 从堪萨斯市失踪 发现银警报后安全无虞 69-year-old Cynthia Lovell, missing from Kansas City, found safe after Silver Alert.
69岁的Cynthia Lovel是来自堪萨斯市的失踪和濒危妇女,在堪萨斯市警察局发出银色警报后被发现安全。 69-year-old Cynthia Lovell, a missing and endangered woman from Kansas City, was found safe after a Silver Alert was issued by the Kansas City Police Department. Lovell使用机动轮椅, 6月30日在草坪代尔高地公寓附近最后一次露面。 Lovell, who uses a motorized wheelchair, was last seen on June 30 near Lawndale Heights Apartments. 她的家人和朋友对她的福祉表示关切,此后她的安全恢复已得到证实。 Her family and friends expressed concern for her well-being, and her safe recovery has since been confirmed.