UBC研究强调,由于与气味有关的健康问题,需要扩大温哥华空气质量网络。 UBC study highlights need for Vancouver air quality network expansion due to odor-related health issues.
UBC研究显示,温哥华空气质量监测网络由于影响居民健康的气味需要扩大。 UBC study reveals that air quality monitoring networks in Vancouver need expansion due to odours affecting residents' health. 温哥华应用软件数据显示“罗腾”和“化学”的气味造成了自报的健康问题,如头痛和焦虑。 Smell Vancouver app data showed "rotten" and "chemical" odours caused self-reported health issues like headaches and anxiety. 废物管理和工业活动被确定为主要来源,其中四个城市为热点。 Waste management and industrial activities were identified as major sources, with four municipalities as hotspots. 将多方联动数据纳入城市规划和政策可以解决气味来源及其更广泛的健康影响。 Integrating crowdsourced data into urban planning and policy can address odour sources and their broader health impacts.