加纳高等法院维持BoG合法撤销Smith-Graham的UMB董事会董事长任命。 High Court in Ghana upholds BoG's lawful revocation of Smith-Graham's UMB board chair appointment.
加纳高等法院驳回了前UMB银行董事George Smith-Graham提出的对加纳银行进行司法审查的申请。 The High Court in Ghana dismissed an application by George Smith-Graham, a former UMB Bank director, for a judicial review against the Bank of Ghana (BoG). 法院裁定,博格不赞成任命Smith-Graham为UMB董事会主席的决定是合法的,因为它遵循了一项指示,要求重新任命非执行董事必须事先书面“不反对”。 The court ruled that the BoG's decision to disapprove Smith-Graham's appointment as UMB's board chair was lawful, as it followed a directive requiring prior written "No Objection" for redesignating non-executive directors. 法院的结论是,根据监管银行行为的第930号法令,中央银行有权不经听证而撤销对Smith-Graham的任命。 The court concluded that the BoG had the authority to revoke Smith-Graham's appointment under Act 930, which regulates banking conduct, without a hearing.