2023年 Dunedin警察违反政策追逐偷来的汽车,造成乘客坠机死亡。 2023 Dunedin Police pursued stolen car against policy, leading to crash killing passenger.
独立警察行为管理局发现,2023年5月,Dunedin警官不应该追逐一辆载有5名乘客的偷来的汽车,因为他们没有遵循当时存在的逃离驾驶员政策。 The Independent Police Conduct Authority found that Dunedin Police officers should not have pursued a stolen car carrying five occupants in May 2023, as they did not follow the then-existing fleeing driver policy. 虽然军官们当追逐变得危险时恰如其分地放弃了追逐,但汽车失控、坠毁和杀害了后座乘客Michael McClelland。 Although the officers appropriately abandoned the pursuit when it became dangerous, the car lost control, crashed, and killed rear-seat passenger Michael McClelland. 当局的结论是,警察驾驶不是坠机的直接原因。 The authority concluded that police driving was not a direct cause of the crash. 事件发生在追捕政策改变之前,从那时起,更广泛的警务人员接受了更多培训。 The incident took place just before a change in the pursuit policy, and since then, broader police staff have received additional training.