乔·惠廷顿博士警告不要不当切脚趾甲,建议直切,并强调糖尿病患者的风险。 Dr. Joe Whittington warns against improper toenail cutting, advises straight cuts, and emphasizes the risk for people with diabetes.
乔·惠丁顿(Joe Whittington)博士(Dr Joe MD)警告社交媒体不要不当切脚趾甲, Dr. Joe Whittington (Dr Joe MD) warns on social media about improper toenail cutting, urging people to avoid cutting nails along the curve to prevent ingrown toenails, inflammation, and infection. 相反,他建议按照国民保健制度的建议,直截了当地切开脚趾甲,以减少土生脚趾甲的风险。 Instead, he advises cutting toenails straight across, as recommended by NHS, to reduce risk of ingrown toenails. 不正确的切割可能导致指甲挖入皮肤,导致痛苦的条件和潜在的并发症,特别是对糖尿病患者而言。 Incorrect cutting can cause nails to dig into the skin, leading to painful conditions and potential complications, especially for those with diabetes.