德里高等法院撤销了淫秽信息FIR, 命令社区服务、罚款和植树。 Delhi High Court quashed obscene message FIR, ordered community service, fine, and tree planting.
德里高等法院以发送淫秽信息为由推翻了对一名男子的 " 情报 ",但命令他在医院、孤儿院和养老院服三个月的社区服务,并罚款25 000卢比。 Delhi High Court quashed an FIR against a man for sending obscene messages but ordered him to serve community service for 3 months in a hospital, orphanage, and old age home, and pay a fine of Rs.25,000. 男子还必须在其地方种植50棵树。 The man also must plant 50 trees in his locality. 尽管申诉人决定和解,但法院还是采取了行动,因为它认为不能让被告逍遥法外。 The court took action despite the complainant's decision to settle, as it felt the accused could not be left unpunished.