资本集团于7月30日宣布CGHM、CGCP和CGMS的ETF的股息,并于8月1日支付。 Capital Group declared dividends for ETFs CGHM, CGCP, and CGMS on July 30th, payable on August 1st.
资本集团于7月30日宣布了三个特别信托基金的股息:全球气候观测系统的股息为0.04美元/share,全球气候观测系统的股息为0.11美元/share,全球气候观测系统的股息为0.15美元/share。 Capital Group announced dividends for three ETFs on July 30th: CGHM at $0.04/share, CGCP at $0.11/share, and CGMS at $0.15/share. 股息应于8月1日到期。 Payable to shareholders of record on July 31st, the dividends are due on August 1st. GHM公司份额增加了0.1%,而CGCP公司和CGMS公司交易额分别增加了0.01美元和0.10美元。 CGHM shares increased 0.1%, while CGCP and CGMS traded up $0.01 and down $0.10 respectively. 特别信托基金主要投资于固定收入、债券和债务证券,没有信用评级或到期限制。 The ETFs primarily invest in fixed income, bonds, and debt securities without credit rating or maturity restrictions.