ABN Amro CEO Robert Swaak计划在2025年提前三年下台,进行继任规划。 ABN Amro CEO Robert Swaak plans to step down in 2025, three years early, for succession planning.
ABN Amro CEO Robert Swaak计划在2025年上半年下台,比他的预期任期提前三年。 ABN Amro CEO Robert Swaak plans to step down in the first half of 2025, three years ahead of his anticipated tenure. 该决定与监督委员会合作作出,将使银行能够及时找到合适的继承人。 The decision, made in collaboration with the supervisory board, will allow the bank to find a suitable successor in a timely manner. Swaak于2020年获得第二任期,并在引导ABN Amro在数字时代走向个人银行方面发挥了重要作用。 Swaak was granted a second term in 2020 and has played a significant role in steering ABN Amro towards a personal bank in the digital age.