7月27日,一名吉普车司机在华盛顿州克利普桑海滩故意杀死25只海鸥,面临重罪指控。 On July 27th, a Jeep driver deliberately killed 25 seagulls at Klipsan Beach in Washington and faces felony charges.
7月27日,一名吉普车司机在华盛顿州克利普桑海滩故意碾压并撞死25只海鸥。 A Jeep driver deliberately ran over and killed 25 seagulls on Klipsan Beach in Washington state on July 27th. 目击者看到司机驾驶着一辆租来的银色吉普大切诺基沿着海滩飞驰,差点撞到两名遛狗的人。 Witnesses saw the driver speed along the beach in a rented silver Jeep Grand Cherokee, nearly hitting two people walking their dogs. 华盛顿州鱼类和野生动物警察局正在寻找这名司机,据信他居住在华盛顿州外。 The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Police is searching for the driver, believed to be living out of state. 司机身份已被确认,预计将收到法庭传票并面临重罪指控。 The driver has been identified and is expected to be issued a court summons and face felony charges.