结婚 13 年的安妮公主之女扎拉·廷德尔 (Zara Tindall) 与丈夫迈克·廷德尔 (Mike Tindall) 庆祝了他们的结婚纪念日。 13-year-married Zara Tindall, daughter of Princess Anne, and husband Mike Tindall celebrated their wedding anniversary.
结婚 13 年的安妮公主之女扎拉·廷德尔 (Zara Tindall) 与丈夫前橄榄球运动员迈克·廷德尔 (Mike Tindall) 庆祝了他们的结婚纪念日。 13-year-married Zara Tindall, daughter of Princess Anne, and husband Mike Tindall, a former rugby player, celebrated their wedding anniversary. 与其他王室婚礼相比,他们于 2011 年举行的婚礼是一场非传统的、朴实的婚礼,这对夫妇在抚养三个孩子的同时,平衡了王室生活和商业机会。 Their 2011 wedding was an unorthodox, down-to-earth event compared to other royal nuptials, and the couple balances their royal lives and commercial opportunities while raising their three children. 扎拉与威廉王子依然保持着亲密的关系,威廉王子视她为自己从未有过的妹妹。 Zara remains close to Prince William, who views her as the sister he never had.