两名来自埃多州和三角州的欺诈性讲师在卡诺巴耶罗大学被捕,他们涉嫌冒充他人、出售书籍以及威胁若不购买书籍将停学;他们被指控犯有非法侵入、冒充和欺诈罪。 2 fraudulent lecturers from Edo and Delta states were arrested at Bayero University Kano for impersonation, selling books, and threatening failure if not purchased; charged with criminal trespass, impersonation, and fraud.
两名来自埃多州和三角州的冒名讲师 David Iluebe 和 Chike E. Eke 在卡诺巴耶罗大学 (BUK) 被捕,他们因冒充讲师、向一年级学生出售书籍以及威胁他们若不购买就会被勒令停学。 2 fraudulent lecturers, David Iluebe and Chike E. Eke, from Edo and Delta states, were arrested at Bayero University Kano (BUK) for impersonating lecturers, selling books to first-year students, and threatening failure if they didn't purchase. 他们面临非法侵入、冒充和欺诈的指控。 They faced charges of criminal trespass, impersonation, and fraud. 失业促使他们实施了这个计划;这是他们在卡诺州的第二次尝试。 Unemployment led them to their scheme; it was their second attempt in Kano State.