2010 年温哥华奥运会首次设立了骄傲之家,并创下了火炬传递距离最长的吉尼斯世界纪录。 2010 Vancouver Olympics featured first-ever Pride House and set Guinness World Record for longest torch relay distance.
温哥华与奥运会有着长达一个世纪的渊源,当地运动员珀西·威廉姆斯 (Percy Williams) 在 1928 年阿姆斯特丹奥运会上夺得金牌。 Vancouver boasts a century-long connection with the Olympics, with local athlete Percy Williams winning gold in the 1928 Amsterdam games. 惠斯勒如今已成为著名的滑雪胜地,曾在 20 世纪 60 年代申请举办冬季奥运会,但直到 2010 年温哥华奥运会才实现申办。 Whistler, now a renowned ski resort, aimed to host the Winter Olympics in the 1960s, but bids didn't materialize until the 2010 Vancouver games. 罗斯·雷巴格利亚蒂,温哥华本地人,在 1998 年长野冬季运动会上赢得了单板滑雪项目历史上首枚金牌。 Ross Rebagliati, a Vancouver native, won the first-ever gold in snowboarding at the 1998 Nagano Winter Games. 2010 年温哥华奥运会设立了首个“骄傲之家”,为 LGBTQ+ 群体提供活动空间,火炬传递创造了最长距离的吉尼斯世界纪录,行程超过 45,000 公里,途经加拿大各地 1,000 个社区。 The 2010 Vancouver Olympics featured the first-ever Pride House, a space for the LGBTQ+ community, and the torch relay set a Guinness World Record for the longest distance covered, traveling over 45,000 km through 1,000 communities across Canada.