国防部长拉杰纳特辛格和国大党领导人拉胡尔甘地在人民院辩论中就 Agnipath 计划发生冲突。 Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi clashed over Agnipath scheme in Lok Sabha debate.
在人民院辩论中,国防部长拉杰纳特辛格和国大党领导人拉胡尔甘地就 Agnipath 计划发生冲突,甘地指责政府“反青年、反农民”,并且缺乏对 Agniveers 的养老金规定。 In a Lok Sabha debate, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi clashed over the Agnipath scheme, with Gandhi accusing the government of being "anti-youth and anti-farmer" and lacking pension provisions for Agniveers. 辛格为该计划辩护,并澄清说,在服役期间牺牲的救援人员家属将获得 1 千万卢比的经济援助。 Singh defended the program and clarified that families of Agniveers who die in service receive Rs 1 crore financial aid. 双方同意继续讨论该问题。 Both agreed to continue discussing the issue.