自由车队组织者帕特·金 (Pat King) 的辩护律师否认对抗议恶作剧负有责任,并将责任归咎于警察、市政官员和其他抗议者。 Defence lawyer for Freedom Convoy organizer Pat King denies responsibility for protest mischief, blaming police, city officials, and other protesters.
自由车队组织者帕特·金的辩护律师娜塔莎·卡尔维尼奥否认对抗议期间的恶作剧负有责任,并呼吁法庭撤销对他的指控。 Defence lawyer Natasha Calvinho for Freedom Convoy organizer Pat King denies responsibility for mischief during the protest and calls for the court to dismiss charges against him. 她指责警方、市政府官员和其他抗议者加剧了渥太华为期三周的示威活动的紧张局势。 She blames police, city officials, and other protesters for escalating tensions during the three-week demonstration in Ottawa. 金对恶作剧、教唆他人恶作剧、妨碍警察执法等罪名表示不认罪。 King has pleaded not guilty to charges of mischief, counselling others to commit mischief, obstructing police, and other offences. 检方依赖金本人拍摄的记录抗议活动的视频。 The Crown relies on King's own videos documenting the protest.