U2 于 8 月 30 日发行“ZOO TV – Live In Dublin 1993”EP,其中包含 1993 年都柏林演出。 U2 releases "ZOO TV – Live In Dublin 1993" EP featuring 1993 Dublin show performances on August 30th.
U2 于 8 月 30 日发行新 EP《ZOO TV – Live In Dublin 1993》,收录了他们 1993 年都柏林演出的精彩片段。 U2 releases new EP "ZOO TV – Live In Dublin 1993" on August 30th, featuring performances from their 1993 Dublin shows. 这是这些音乐会歌曲的首次正式发布,包括曲目“Mysterious Ways”、“Zoo Station”和“Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around the World”。 This marks the first official release of songs from these concerts, including tracks "Mysterious Ways", "Zoo Station", and "Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around the World". ZOO TV 巡演旨在宣传乐队 1991 年的专辑《Achtung Baby》,巡演共包括五站 157 场演出,共吸引 530 万歌迷,于 1993 年 12 月结束。 The ZOO TV tour, supporting the band's 1991 album "Achtung Baby", included 157 shows across five legs and played to 5.3 million fans before concluding in December 1993. 该 EP 将以 CD、12 英寸黑胶唱片和数字形式发行,其中包括 Spatial Audio/Atmos 混音。 The EP will be released on CD, 12-inch vinyl, and digitally, including Spatial Audio/Atmos remixes. 预订现已开放。 Preorders are now open.