匈牙利作为北京第二届中国国际供应链博览会的“主宾国”,推广商业和创新合作机会。 Hungary is the "Country of Honor" at China's 2nd International Supply Chain Expo in Beijing, promoting business and innovative cooperation opportunities.
11月下旬,匈牙利成为在北京举行的第二届中国国际供应链博览会的“主宾国”。 Hungary is the "Country of Honor" at China's 2nd International Supply Chain Expo in Beijing, late November. 此次活动由中国贸促会主办,旨在为匈牙利企业促进商业和创新合作机会。 The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade organizes the event, which aims to promote business and innovative cooperation opportunities for Hungarian enterprises. 已有上千家国内外企业报名参展,其中国外展商占比超过30%。 Over a thousand domestic and foreign enterprises have signed up, with foreign exhibitors making up over 30%.