联邦检察官指控 Citron Research 创始人安德鲁·莱夫特 (Andrew Left) 操纵股价以谋取私利。 Federal prosecutors charge Andrew Left, founder of Citron Research, with stock price manipulation for personal gain.
著名卖空者安德鲁·莱夫特被联邦检察官指控犯有欺诈罪,他们指控他操纵股票价格以谋取私利。 Famed short seller Andrew Left has been charged with fraud by federal prosecutors who allege that he manipulated stock prices for his own financial benefit. 据《华尔街日报》报道,Citron Research 创始人莱夫特利用自己的影响力操纵股价,为自己谋利,他会公开自己的押注,设定雄心勃勃的目标价,然后一旦他的言论对市场产生影响,就会迅速平仓。 According to the Wall Street Journal report, Left, founder of Citron Research, used his influence to manipulate stock prices in his favor and would publicize his bets, set ambitious price targets, and then quickly close his positions once his statements had affected the market. 起诉书称,莱夫特在有线新闻网络上的露面以及他在社交媒体上的帖子放大了他的报道的影响力,导致其他人关注他的投资举动。 The indictment asserts that Left’s appearances on cable news networks and his social media posts amplified the effects of his reports, leading others to follow his investment moves.