查宁·塔图姆在《死侍与金刚狼》中饰演牌皇,结束了长达 18 年的 X 战警角色饰演之旅。 Channing Tatum portrays Gambit in "Deadpool & Wolverine," ending an 18-year journey to play the X-Men character.
查宁·塔图姆 (Channing Tatum) 在漫威电影宇宙的 X 战警中饰演牌皇 (Gambit) 的梦想终于成真,他在《死侍与金刚狼》中客串出演,结束了他 18 年饰演标志性 X 战警角色的旅程。 Channing Tatum's long-awaited portrayal of Gambit in the Marvel Cinematic Universe's X-Men finally came true with a cameo in "Deadpool & Wolverine", marking the end of his 18-year journey to play the iconic X-Men character. 尽管塔图姆早在 2006 年就首次出演《X 战警:背水一战》并多次尝试拍摄一部独立的牌皇电影,但在该跨界电影中饰演的牌皇角色还是让他的梦想项目有了一种结束感。 Despite initial casting in 2006 for "X-Men: The Last Stand" and several attempts to develop a solo Gambit film, Tatum's Gambit role in the crossover film brings a sense of closure to his dream project.