重组报告发布后,博士伦医疗公司股价下跌,公司否认破产传闻。 Bausch Health Companies denies bankruptcy rumors after stock drop following Reorg report.
Reorg 援引未具名消息人士的报道,否认了博士伦医疗公司考虑破产或无力偿债的传言。 Bausch Health Companies, Inc. denied rumors of considering bankruptcy or insolvency following a report by Reorg, which cited unnamed sources. 该公司表示,尚未与债权人进行有关破产程序的讨论。 The company stated it has not been involved in discussions with creditors concerning bankruptcy proceedings. 全球制药公司博士伦健康(Bausch Health)在周三初步报告发布后股价大幅下跌,跌幅达23.4%,至5.80美元。 Bausch Health, a global pharmaceutical company, experienced a significant stock price decline on Wednesday after the initial report, with shares falling 23.4% to $5.80.