第九巡回法院驳回爱达荷州和共和党领导的各州对华盛顿州针对 FDA 米非司酮法规的诉讼的干预,裁定爱达荷州缺乏诉讼资格。 9th Circuit Court denies Idaho and GOP-led states' intervention in Washington's lawsuit against FDA's mifepristone regulation, ruling Idaho lacked standing.
第九巡回法院驳回了爱达荷州和共和党领导的各州干预华盛顿州针对 FDA 米非司酮法规的诉讼的企图。 9th Circuit Court denies Idaho and GOP-led states' attempt to intervene in Washington's lawsuit against the FDA's mifepristone regulation. 法院裁定,爱达荷州无法证明与 FDA 的米非司酮规定相关的伤害,因此不具备诉讼资格。 The court ruled Idaho could not prove injury related to FDA's mifepristone regulations, and thus did not have standing. 这是联邦上诉法院首次就此问题作出裁决,由于反堕胎运动继续推动全国范围内的堕胎禁令,该裁决并不能保证长期获得堕胎权。 This marks the first federal appellate court ruling on the issue, and the decision does not guarantee long-term access as anti-abortion movement continues to push for a nationwide abortion ban.