苹果计划在 2026 年推出可折叠 iPhone,可能与荣耀、华为和三星等品牌竞争。 Apple plans to introduce a foldable iPhone in 2026, possibly competing with brands like Honor, Huawei, and Samsung.
苹果可能会在 2026 年推出其首款可折叠 iPhone,这标志着硬件设计的重大变革。 Apple may introduce its first foldable iPhone in 2026, marking a significant hardware design change. 据报道,该公司已联系亚洲供应商获取零部件,并为该设备创建了内部代号“V68”。 The company has reportedly reached out to Asian suppliers for components and created an internal code name, V68, for the device. 可折叠智能手机预计将提振苹果的需求,使其能够与荣耀、华为和三星等品牌展开竞争。 Foldable smartphones are expected to boost demand for Apple, allowing it to compete with brands like Honor, Huawei, and Samsung.