苏格兰《安全通行区法案》获得御准,该法案规定在堕胎设施周围设立 200 米缓冲区。 Scotland's Safe Access Zones Bill, providing 200-meter buffer zones around abortion facilities, receives Royal Assent.
苏格兰《安全通道区法案》已获得御准,该法案旨在在堕胎设施周围设立缓冲区,以保护患者免受骚扰。 Scotland's Safe Access Zones Bill, which aims to create buffer zones around abortion facilities to protect patients from harassment, has received Royal Assent. 该法案以压倒性多数票在苏格兰议会通过,将在医疗机构周围设立 200 米宽的禁区,法律禁止在这些区域举行反堕胎抗议活动。 The bill, which passed overwhelmingly in the Scottish Parliament, will establish 200-meter wide exclusion zones around healthcare facilities where anti-abortion protests are prohibited by law.