承包商作证称在卡洛和埃里克·弗莱尔谋杀现场附近看到两辆可疑车辆;韦德·威廉·卡德摩尔的审判仍在进行中,安东尼·格雷厄姆在逃。 Contractor testifies to seeing two suspicious vehicles near the murder scene of Carlo and Erick Fryer; trial ongoing for Wade William Cudmore, with Anthony Graham at large.
承包商作证说,他在发现卡洛和埃里克·弗莱尔尸体的地方附近看到了两辆可疑车辆;他们的谋杀案正在温哥华进行审判,韦德·威廉·卡德摩尔面临两项一级谋杀指控。 Contractor testifies he saw two suspicious vehicles near where Carlo and Erick Fryer's bodies were found; their murder trial is ongoing in Vancouver, with Wade William Cudmore facing two counts of first-degree murder. 发现尸体的道路也是承包商目睹车辆后报警的地方。 The road where the bodies were discovered is also where the contractor called the police after witnessing the vehicles. 另一名嫌疑人安东尼·格雷厄姆目前在逃,并已收到逮捕令。 Another suspect, Anthony Graham, is at large with a warrant for his arrest.