密尔沃基公园发生枪击事件,一名 17 岁女孩死亡,另有 8 人受伤。 17-year-old girl killed, eight others wounded in a Milwaukee park shooting after argument.
密尔沃基公园枪击案造成一名 17 岁女孩死亡,另有 8 人受伤。 17-year-old girl killed, eight others wounded in a Milwaukee park shooting. 事件发生在威斯康星州密尔沃基的迪宁公园,当时数十名年轻人聚集在这里举行派对。 The incident occurred at Dineen Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where dozens of young people had gathered for a party. 枪击事件是在争吵之后发生的,当局正在寻找嫌疑人和犯罪动机。 The shooting followed an argument, and authorities are searching for suspects and a motive.