KBR的蓝氨技术被壳牌选中用于阿曼的低碳氢项目。 KBR's blue ammonia technology selected by Shell for Oman's low-carbon hydrogen project.
KBR的蓝氨技术已被壳牌公司选定用于位于阿曼杜库姆的“蓝色地平线”低碳氢氨项目。 KBR's blue ammonia technology has been chosen by Shell for the Blue Horizons low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia project in Duqm, Oman. KBR将为使用壳牌蓝氢技术生产的氢气、日产3000公吨的氨工厂提供授权专有工程设计。 KBR will provide licensed proprietary engineering design for a 3,000 metric ton per day ammonia plant using hydrogen from Shell's Blue Hydrogen technology. 该项目旨在提供具有成本竞争力、低碳强度的氨,为阿曼实现“2040 愿景”目标做出贡献。 This project aims to deliver cost-competitive, low-carbon intensity ammonia to contribute to Oman's Vision 2040 targets.