AMC娱乐控股公司通过与债权人达成的重组协议,将高达 24.5 亿美元的债务到期日延长至 2029 年以后。 AMC Entertainment Holdings extends up to $2.45B of debt maturities to 2029+ through restructuring agreement with creditors.
全球最大的连锁影院AMC娱乐控股公司宣布与债权人达成重组协议,将最高达 24.5 亿美元的债务到期期限从 2026 年延长至 2029 年及以后。 AMC Entertainment Holdings, the world's largest movie theater chain, has announced a restructuring agreement with creditors, extending up to $2.45 billion of debt maturities from 2026 to 2029 and beyond. 该交易涉及将 2026 年到期的 12 亿美元定期贷款换成三年后到期的新贷款,并与 5 亿美元的次级债券进行类似的互换。 The deal involves swapping $1.2 billion of term loans due 2026 for new loans due three years later and undertaking a similar swap with $500 million of junior notes. 这将使 AMC 能够推迟偿还超过 16 亿美元的债务,为公司提供重要的财务支持。 This will allow AMC to delay repayment of more than $1.6 billion of debt, providing the company with significant financial runway.