西费城集会发生大规模枪击事件,造成 3 人死亡,7 人受伤;多名枪手,正在调查。 3 killed, 7 injured, mass shooting at West Philadelphia gathering; multiple shooters, ongoing investigation.
周日凌晨,西费城的一个集会上发生大规模枪击事件,造成 3 人死亡,7 人受伤。 3 people were killed and 7 injured in a mass shooting at a gathering in West Philadelphia early Sunday morning. 大约有 100 至 150 人参加了位于奥尔登街和吉拉德大道交叉口附近的活动,随后多名枪手开枪射击,受害者均为成年男性。 Around 100-150 people attended the event near the intersection of Alden Street and Girard Avenue when multiple shooters opened fire, leaving all victims adult men. 警方在现场发现大约 25 至 30 个弹壳,表明有多名枪手,并且还找到了一把枪。 Police found around 25-30 shell casings at the scene, indicating multiple shooters, and one gun was recovered. 调查仍在进行中,尚未逮捕任何人或确定嫌疑人。 The investigation is ongoing with no arrests or suspects identified.