澳大利亚维多利亚州议会强制执行政客的禁忌词汇清单,以保持专业性和尊重的讨论。 Victorian Parliament in Australia enforces a list of forbidden words for politicians to maintain professionalism and respectful discussions.
澳大利亚维多利亚州议会保存着一份禁用词和侮辱性词语清单,其中包括“混蛋”、“莳萝”、“替罪羊”、“幼崽”、“卷尾”、“烂人”、“混蛋”、“骗子”和“胡说八道”。 The Victorian Parliament in Australia maintains a list of forbidden words and insults, including "bastard", "dill", "patsy", "grub", "drongo", "rotter", "prick", "liar", and "bullshit". 如果政客使用这些词语,他们通常会收到警告或必须撤回其言论。 If a politician uses these words, they typically receive a warning or must withdraw their statement. 这些规则旨在维护专业性并确保议会讨论富有成效且相互尊重。 These rules aim to maintain professionalism and ensure productive, respectful discussions in parliament.