罗宾·威廉姆斯的儿子扎克在 Instagram 上发布了一篇感人的帖子,纪念父亲 73 岁生日,并缅怀已故父亲的影响和遗产。 Robin Williams' son, Zak, remembered his father's 73rd birthday with a heartfelt Instagram post, honoring his late father's impact and legacy.
罗宾威廉姆斯的儿子扎克在 Instagram 上发布了一篇感人的帖子,庆祝已故父亲 73 岁生日,并感谢父亲为世界带来的希望和欢乐。 Robin Williams' son, Zak, honored his late father's 73rd birthday with an emotional Instagram post, expressing gratitude for his father's hope and joy brought to the world. 这位因在《死亡诗社》和《窈窕奶爸》中扮演的标志性角色而闻名的演员于 2014 年自杀去世,享年 63 岁。 The actor, known for iconic roles in "Dead Poets Society" and "Mrs. Doubtfire", passed away by suicide in 2014 at age 63. 扎克是一名心理健康倡导者,也是“Prepare Your Mind”组织的首席执行官,他于周日分享了这一信息,反思父亲的影响并向他的遗产致敬。 Zak, a mental health advocate and CEO of Prepare Your Mind, shared the message on Sunday, reflecting on his father's impact and paying tribute to his legacy.