民主党在拜登的连任、继任以及未来领导方向问题上产生分歧。 Democratic Party divided over Biden's re-election, succession, and future leadership direction.
民主党对总统乔·拜登是否能连任以及他下台后的继任者人选存在分歧。 The Democratic Party is divided over President Joe Biden's potential re-election and his possible successor if he steps down. 一些民主党人质疑拜登是否应该继续竞选,而另一些人则建议以副总统卡马拉·哈里斯为候选人,或者通过“迷你初选”程序来选择新的候选人。 Some Democrats question whether Biden should continue his campaign, while others propose Vice President Kamala Harris as the nominee or a "mini primary" process to choose a new candidate.