由于财务管理不善和合规问题,Byju 的创始人作为印度最大的教育科技初创公司面临破产程序。 Byju's founder faces insolvency process for India's biggest ed-tech startup due to financial mismanagement and compliance issues.
印度最大的教育科技初创公司估值从 220 亿美元跌至 20 亿美元以下,Byju 的创始人 Byju Raveendran 面临着清算。 Byju's founder, Byju Raveendran, faces a reckoning after India's biggest ed-tech startup crashes from a $22bn valuation to below $2bn. 由于财务管理不善和合规问题,法庭启动了破产程序,这位 44 岁的高管失去了对公司的控制权。 The 44-year-old lost control of the company after a tribunal kick-started an insolvency process due to financial mismanagement and compliance issues. 这家曾经蒸蒸日上的公司因无法向印度板球联合会支付 1900 万美元的赞助费而被法庭停职。 The once high-flying company was unable to pay $19m in sponsorship dues to India's cricket federation, leading to a tribunal suspension.