33 岁的伊莎贝尔在 TikTok 上分享了她使用亚马逊售价 69 英镑的丝绸睡眠面膜的抗衰老睡眠习惯。 33-year-old Isabelle on TikTok shares her anti-ageing sleep routine using a £69 silk sleep mask from Amazon.
33 岁的伊莎贝尔在 TikTok 上分享了她的抗衰老睡眠习惯,透露她使用亚马逊的 Drowsy 睡眠面罩,售价 69 英镑。 33-year-old Isabelle shares her anti-ageing sleep routine on TikTok, revealing she uses a Drowsy sleep mask from Amazon, priced at £69. 这款比普通面膜更大的面膜采用 100% 22 姆米丝绸制成,可保持皮肤水润丰满,防止细纹和皱纹的出现。 Made from 100% 22-momme silk, the larger-than-average mask keeps skin hydrated and plump, preventing fine lines and wrinkles. 据《每日星报》报道,丝绸还能帮助护肤精华液和乳液停留在皮肤上,而不是被枕头吸收。 The silk also helps skincare serums and lotions stay on the skin rather than being absorbed by the pillow, according to the Daily Star.