41 岁的迈克尔·布洛克 (Michael Bullock) 被控在威斯康星州犯有儿童性侵犯罪,他在拆除 GPS 设备潜逃后于德克萨斯州被捕。 41-year-old Michael Bullock, charged with child sexual assault in Wisconsin, was arrested in Texas after removing GPS device and absconding.
41 岁的迈克尔·布洛克 (Michael Bullock) 是威斯康星州一名被指控犯有儿童性侵犯罪的男子,他在德克萨斯州阿兰萨斯县被一名热心市民在当地一个房车公园认出后被捕。 41-year-old Michael Bullock, a man charged with child sexual assault in Wisconsin, was arrested in Aransas County, Texas after a concerned citizen recognized him in a local RV park. 布洛克拆除了他的 GPS 监控装置并潜逃了 4 万美元的保释金,等待因屡次性侵犯儿童和其他相关罪行而接受审判。 Bullock had removed his GPS monitoring device and absconded from his $40,000 bond, pending trial for repeated sexual assault of a child and other related crimes. 他目前正在等待引渡程序。 He is currently awaiting extradition proceedings.